Human Arcana Cleric
AC: 18 HP: 33/33
PP: 17 PIv: 12 PIs: 17
Conditions: -
Concentration: -

The cleric woke up like the others, though less stressed than them. Some odd sense of contemplation surrounded her. Her god did not abandon her, on the contrary, but religion did not have the answers she sought after. Her dreams however gave her a path to enable her power, even though the very thought of sacrifice for power was against her will. But she did use her powers to command others in the past. If she could get her hands on ... Vyv left us last night.

Caelyn's comment pulled her out of her stupor. Strangely enough, while Vyvian's presence incited much emotional outrage in Senna, and while Vyvian quieted down a bit, Senna began to understand the worth of her comments on moral superiority, the rogue's absence was not troubling at all for Senna. Her world changed rapidly, but Senna began to cope with it. It was the news of the day back in Candlekeep when Winthrop began using another rag for his countertop - less for hygiene and more because the old one wore thin - but nowadays a day where they did not almost die was a good and relaxed one.

Senna went over to Caelyn and hugged her. And nothing will happen to her, as long as Minsc draws breath. Senna smiles an almost motherly smile. Dynaheir will act as the sensible one so Minsc and Vyv don't plan something exceedingly stupid. They will be fine. Besides, with the third circle of the Metatext unravelled to me, we can talk to her, given a day's worth of preparations and prayers. Which reminds me I have to do my ministrations to the Great Scribe. She smiled and looked at her sister. You should attune yourself to the wilds, too. I feel we will need everything we have when we want to enter the woods.