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Thread: Ruins of Azlant OOC

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    Titan in the Playground
    Farmerbink's Avatar

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    Nov 2013
    Texas, again!

    Default Re: Ruins of Azlant OOC

    Hey guys. Just chiming in to let you know that I'm having a bit of difficulty on the home front. Our nicu baby came home kind of suddenly Sunday PM, and I'm still on the mend from knee surgery. I hope to have/make time to put together some good stuff for downtime and an in-character post tonight, but the last two nights I've (tried to, mostly) gone to bed at 7:30, 'cuz I'm just out of gas by then. It doesn't help that I'm having trouble sleeping, but them's the breaks sometimes.

    In the meantime, Jessica will agree with anything that serves to help other people (like doing a sweep of the village- perhaps leaving the chapel for now), and will gladly attempt to help, physically or otherwise, regardless of her ability or likelihood to be successful.

    Edit: having done some reading, I think Jessica's most likely downtime pursuits are going to be the acquiring of Goods and Influence. I don't see her getting too involved with a business, unless running a church qualifies by these rules, but I do want her to be an involved member of the community. Someone with clout, who can get things done when they need to get done, but doesn't really play the business game. It's easy for me to imagine something like favors for healing townsfolk and their livestock or otherwise generally helping people out. When things get really bad, everyone knows her, and has been helped by her at one point or another, so she has lots of "Capital" to draw on. Does that make sense (and sound satisfying)?