Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
Aron is in a sour mood when the army breaks for camp. The sun seems to be setting earlier than it should, and the winds haven't yet died down, making tent pitching a decidedly awkward task. Still, there are more than enough hands to the task, and eventually it is accomplished. "I can't be sure," the scout grumbles to the heroes, "But I doubt we made it more than twenty miles today..."
"Still, my friend, we made it without losing a man, or encountering more of the demons. In my book that's a fine day indeed!" Waylan claps the scout on the back, trying to ease his spirits. "Besides, our pace is still good enough, isn't it? At this rate we've five more days until we reach Drezen, with supplies to last another fourteen or so. With your keen eyes helping guide the way I'm sure we'll make it. Cheer up! All will be well."