Frank's daughters, Marissa and Rachel, ages 9 and 6 respectively.

Marissa is quite extroverted, cheerful and exuberant, she is adamant that she is going to be a singer one day, and spends much of her free time singing and dancing to her favorite music. She makes friends with just about everyone, cheerfully chatting with people she just met.

Her younger sibling is considerably more quiet. Rachel is more than content to let her sister get all the attention while she reads a book or plays in the corner. She just might be the smartest one in the family, learning very quickly and with a rather mature attitude for her age.

Neither of them quite understand the divorce, but they know that their parents were happier after the separation, and they still spend a good bit of time with both mommy and daddy.

They are mostly staying with their mother, but Frank makes a point of spending at least one full day with them every week. He's determined to be a part of their lives, even if things didn't work out in his marriage.

In any case, feel free to flesh out further details, but the above is the core of what I had in mind.