Quote Originally Posted by Gwynfrid View Post
Spawn of Kyuss and Kyuss Worms
"You've only fought spawn that were once human...or human-like, I presume? I haven't fought anything else either, but I found records suggesting that other creatures can be turned too...everything from household pets to much larger, more dangerous creatures. The worms themselves seem to be the common thread and what is most dangerous, at least in my opinion. Obviously if the creature infected was horribly dangerous, like a hydra or something, it would be even worse, but a zombie dog isn't really that frightening to seasoned adventurers. A Kyuss-dog on the otherhand...well, you wouldn't fight just one and I'm sure you can see how bad things could get," responds Filge as he sits back to think. "The worms don't seem to turn everything though, and I don't yet know why. It might have something to do with the relative intelligence of the creature...and the worms, being vermin themselves, don't seem that interested in other vermin. They also don't...turn or advance other undead creatures...

Honestly, I think the worms show a frightening degree of...not intelligence, really, but direction.
" Seeing the confused looks on several of the listeners' faces the necromancer continues. "I mean, look at what happened here. My entire family is wiped out, but I would bet you that no one in Fork has any idea anything has happened. See, the spawn of Kyuss seem to be going about and creating little 'cells' of undead, hidden all over the countryside. They go, seemingly at random, and find and infest a little place - a home or a cave - and then they move on. They don't turn the entire town, or do anything so tumultuous as to attract any kind of attention.

And that is what makes them so dangerous, really. None of the major churches or arcane schools believe them to be a threat because the evidence of widespread undead plagues isn't presented by the evidence,
" Filge says, glancing at Lydia meaningfully. "Well intentioned people, even villainous power-mongers who don't want to be turned into worm-food, would fight against such a plague if they knew it existed!"

Quote Originally Posted by Gwynfrid View Post
Kyuss the Demi-God
"There's not much to say, really. Among necromancers there are several kinds, and the religious ones are the worst. When a person starts to worship gods of death and undeath, there is something deeply wrong with them. I like living, for example...or at least I did - being this monster is awful...You never really know what kind of person a necromancer is until you spend time with them, and I decided that wasn't worth the risk with other necromancers a long time ago," Filge says with a shudder that his worm-body makes look just wrong. "Of the deities of undeath, Kyuss is hardly ever brought up. He's basically a dead-god. I haven't heard of anyone living who worships him at all."

For several seconds Filge is silent. Then he takes a deep breath and sighs. "Unfortunately, in my field that doesn't mean he isn't worshipped - it means that his cult is old, and the faithful are still worshipping him even though they would have died ages ago had nature had its way. If they are found, the Cult of Kyuss won't be led by crazy, mortal priests or the like. No, it will be led by undead monsters that have worshipped the worm-God for centuries and grown more and more powerful all that time. You won't be dealing with cultists like I heard you found below Diamond Lake - you'll be dealing with liches, vampires, or something even worse and a horde of mindless undead 'followers' to destroy civilizations.

Kyuss' church may be dead...but it will be much worse if it is un-dead.

Quote Originally Posted by Gwynfrid View Post
Age of Worms Prophesy
Filge looks at Marzena with a interested expression. "This sounds like you have learned more than me. What do you know of the eight events? I might be able to identify one or two if you can recite any of the prophecy..."

Quote Originally Posted by Gwynfrid View Post
Through them all the worm that walks dreams, waiting the day its heralds rouse it to feed on all that is...

Rings a bell?"
Filge gulps and the illusion covering his form turns a sickly shade of green. "Well, that certainly sounds familiar, though I promise, by all I am, that I am no herald of Kyuss...at least not deliberately," he responds. "I have heard of monsters like...well, me...before, and 'worm-that-walks' describes them accurately. Usually the...thing comes about when an 'unholy,'" he uses air-quotes with his hands, "spellcaster dies and is buried in soil heavily tainted by necromantic magic. Worms eat the body and take on the personality of the dead, complete with memories all the way up to their death.

That didn't happen to me. I was attempting an alchemical experiment,
" the necromancer glances at Olofire, "in which I was attempting to study a collection of worms to see how they interacted with a Kyuss worm. Something went wrong, the worms suddenly multiplied explosively, and the swarm got free from their container..." Filge rests his elbows on his knees and as he sits there the illusion begins to fade, leaving everyone looking at the worms crawling around instead of his face and body. He takes the hood of his cloak and covers his head and hunches down in shame. "They got to me. It hurt and I lost control. I tried to keep my mouth closed, cover my ears, close my eyes...but they burrowed into me anyway...I guess I probably died in that moment and am not really Filge Hoffman at all anymore. But I think I'm still me...and I don't want to be this abomination...

If I am the harbinger of Kyuss and the Age of Worms, please forgive me and help find some way to put me out of my misery. Save Helen and stop all this from happening!

If you think I might not be all of that...then please help me...
" he finally whispers before going silent.