"No, I will not allow such a thing either. The children are innocents and despite the crimes that Lamm has done if we're able to give him a swift death that will be enough. We'll have to adapt but to spread such chaos through the city is unthinkable. Sarenrae would not forgive any of us if fire spread and consumed everything because someone tried to take the easy way out through this. It will be a hard slough to get to Lamm, but we must if we can not find an easy way in. I will do everything in my power to see that the children are safe."

To Andrei he scratched his chin for a moment. "It would depend yes, if we believe for a moment that the fighting could spill out into the streets then getting anyone close by would be putting them in harm's way. People knowing that Lamm is dead could go either way once enough people knew of it. Imagine that the people here wouldn't be troubled, but yes his friends would hear quickly."