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Thread: Dawn of Defiance [SW5E] [IC]

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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Default Re: Dawn of Defiance [SW5E] [IC]

    Qotho, Guardian Force Adept
    AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 10 | HIT DIE: 1d10
    Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
    Active Effects: Armor of Aboleth (2 HP's remaining; 1 hour)
    Conditions: None.

    The marauder risked a look over his shoulder as fire erupted around Switch's desk, his own thugs having, apparently, been paid off by the Chevin. "The only payment you'll earn," he growled, "is a long walk out of a short airlock." And with that his spun low, maneuvering between the Chevin and the remaining enforcer, ensuring he would be able to punish either should they open fire on Switch or his allies.

    The change in positioning allowed him to slip past the massive headbut of his opponent, before he followed up with a lightning enhanced saber strike while his foe was off balance.

    Spoiler: Out of Character Actions
    [b]Moving from D13 to E14, behind the Chevin and to the left of his Goon. Since I'm not leaving the Boss's threatened area, it does not provoke, that I am aware of. I will then cast Lightning Charge, this time attacking the Chevin, still under Azzalix's Valor, (1d20+5)[10]+(1d4)[4], against AC, for (1d10+3)[11] energy damage. If the attack is successful Goon #2 takes Cha mod, 3 lightning damage.
    Last edited by Zero Prime; 2021-01-11 at 02:07 PM.