AC:13 HP:10

Ganga Lor's call and Switch's guards sudden betrayal has Jessica ducking down even further behind the pile of scrap. She chews on her lower lip as the attackers fall one by one."This is so much bantha crap." With another glance around she starts tapping her wristpad, the barrel of her wristblaster starting to glow as the weapon hums.

Bringing her blaster up she pops off a glowing shot at one of the thugs before turning and dashing over to Switch. "I don't think you payed your thugs enough. Her frown grows as her gaze roams Switch's form. "Wouldn't have a repair kit would ya? Didn't bring anything to fix up droids myself."

Spoiler: OOC

Combustive Shot at F14 thug. (1d20+4)[12] vs AC for (1d4)[2] energy damage and is set on fire taking 4 damage my next turn.

Move to E6.