As Ganga Lor tries to escape, Qotho takes advantage of the vulnerability in his defenses and strikes him down. Coughing blood, the Chevin points a finger weakly at Switch, and then drops his harm, defeated and deceased.

Switch stands up from behind his desk and removes a repair kit from a drawer in the precious wooden artifact. "Thank you," he says, "I owe you my life." He slides the credits you'd paid him back across the desk toward you. "The cargo you seek is an Alderaan Security Agent, frozen in carbonite to allow him to be transported as cargo and avoid detection." He hands the repair kit to Jessica, along with an additional 50 credits for her to repair his damaged systems. "Indeed, I will be investing in more reliable employees. Thank you for your advice."

Spoiler: Ganga Lor's body
On Ganga Lor's body you find 300 credits.

"I see you are injured as well," he says to the group. "Dr. Fenn owes me a favor. If you head to Delgas Medical Supply, she can treat you, free of charge." (You are healed to full, but do not get the benefits of a short or long rest unless you choose to take one.)