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Thread: Dawn of Defiance [SW5E] [IC]

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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Default Re: Dawn of Defiance [SW5E] [IC]

    Qotho, Guardian Force Adept
    AC: 13 | HP: 13 | CURRENT: 13 | HIT DIE: 1d10
    Passive Perception: 11 | Passive Insight: 15
    Active Effects: None.
    Conditions: None.

    Qotho kept his head down and followed behind Jessica, the only human in their party, trying his best to look subserviant. However, the fact that the majority of the Blue Deck population seemed to be avoiding eye contact actually made it easier to scan the crowd looking for anything unusual, whether it was Lor's thugs seeking reprisal's, or a continued investigation into the earlier violence by the Imperials.

    He muttered quietly to his companions, "We should be cautious, our group stands out on this level."

    Spoiler: Out of Character Action
    OOC: Perception check (1d20+1)[2]. Yeah, maybe not *that* perceptive.
    Last edited by Zero Prime; 2021-01-16 at 01:15 PM.