Your movements fall into sync with one another, bouncing spells and steel one after another. Vala doesn't even have a chance to strike at the troll again, it falls beneath the onslaught of magic and melee (some of which is also magical) before she can pull her spear into another attack. It collapses at her and Melian's feet, leaving only the troll still gripped by the tense fear that Senna has inflicted upon it. The arcane fear has now given birth to real fear however, and after seeing its fellows cut down so brutally and quickly, and after receiving a searing burn on the shoulder from Caelyn's ray, it decides that discretion is the better part of not getting murdered, turns on its heels, and flees into the forest.

Its trail is obvious, of course, it's making no attempt to hide itself, just put distance between you and it. It's not difficult to follow if you so wish, but the immediate threat has ended. Vala's aura and flower crown dissipates, she can still fight, but the brief interlude is enough for the magic to disperse, turning her back to 'normal' again. Loog gives an impressed whistle. "Glad I didn't try to fight you."

Spoiler: OOC

The troll is still feared and is now in full retreat mode. Not gonna keep up with maps (since limited square footage and not very interesting to picture) for it but if you want to pursue to finish it off you can do. Otherwise combat ends here.