R4T25: Brother Jaume stumbles back a couple of steps, but being unable to see and the slick deck opened him to an attack, and he gets nipped on the chest for 2. Brother Jaume looks up to the sky, hoping the rain can clear his vision before wiping his eyes with a damp sleeve.
Spoiler: Brother Jaume
First, yeah, when you can't see, movement is double, so no five-foot free move.

Next, I do like what you did there with the rain. It was inventive and clever. On the other hand, you had a "critical fail" the first time round. So, I had you succeed on a Heal check which boosted a second save. This doesn't clear your vision, but dropped the remaining duration by half. If you tried it again, you could clear it. Note that this is not just a visual occlusion, or would be easier to resolve. The fluid the mouther spits out is a type of low-grade acid.

R4T18: Wren gets clear of the inner section of the pier and shouts, muffled some by the rain, but blaring over the collective as well: "Help! I can't swim! Help!"

R4T17: Jens, what do you do?
Spoiler: Jens
Because of the rain, you don't see Brother Jaume well enough to see what he's doing at your distance, and he didn't mention his distress had returned, so Jens doesn't know Brother Jaume has been blinded (again).

Gibbering mouther on deck, Flair in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Brother Jaume: 25. Light on quarterstaff. BLINDED til R6T14.
Wren: 18. Failed SAN check against gibbering mouther. Swimming.
Jens: 17.
Gibbering Mouther: 14. (47:60).
Flair: 13.
Dorn: 12. Light on warhammer. On bottom, underwater.
Vilma: 8. Light on shield. On bottom, underwater.