Phexian 18
Hergolla 16
Praiodan 15
mud mephit 14 Blind until smoke mephit goes again.
ice mephit 11
dust mephit 4[/quote]

The magma mephit explodes into a small cloud of flame when it dies. (2d6)[5] fire damage, Dex DC 11 half.
=> Dex saves for Praoidan and Phexian

Phexian meanwhile stabs the steam mephit in the side, leaving it barely hanging on to life. Hergolla then finishes it off with a hammer-blow, and the creature erupts into a cloud of scalding steam.
(1d8)[6] fire damage, Dex DC 10 half.
=>Dex saves for Hergolla & Phexian

Praiodan follows after the mud mephit, slicing deep into its form with his sword.

The mud mephit swings a fist at the paladin with a burbling battle cry.
(1d20+3)[7] for (1d6+1)[2] bludgeoning damage.

The ice mephit paws and swipes at Hergolla with its chill claws.
(1d20+3)[7] for (1d4+1)[4] slashing + (1d4)[1] cold damage.

Skroog creates a magical cloud of daggers. The dust mephit takes 14 damage, sending puffs of dust all over the place. The creature feebly flaps backwards on tattered wings before casting a spell. "This more ouchy than butler job supposed to be! Take a nap!"
Sleep centered on in I11, (5d8)[20] HP affected