Inclining his head towards Ithil in acknowledgment, he turns and gestures towards Chantoku, as another shimmer of magic envelops the man, staving off the winter's chill for him as well.
"̝̟ͅỊ͍̩ ̪̜̫͙̞̬͍a͔m͎̞͓̮ ̟̬̼̮̜k̜͚n͈̥͓̼̼̮o̙͓̮w͈͍n͓̣̻͖̦̜ͅ ̟̯̹̩̜͈͕͇a͇͕̬̱̲͖̙s̬̟̳ͅ.̘͙̯.͚̼̤̮.̳̭͎̜" his voice rings hollow and tinny, with a distorted buzzing sound and he pauses with a frown. Clearing his throat, he finishes in a mostly normal voice, "Ion."

(Using Endure Exposure on Chantoku, see OOC Spoiler)

Spoiler: Avatar
Spoiler: Statblock
Male L/E Arctic Lesser Mechanatrix Dragonfire Adept, Level 3, Init 1, HP 40/40, Speed 30' Land
AC 16, Touch 11, Flat-footed 15, Fort 8, Ref 2, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Dragon Breath 15' Cone / 30' Line (2d6, DC: 18)
Morningstar +0 (1d8+1, x2)
Cord Armor, Dastana (+2 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Dex, +2 Natural)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition None
Spoiler: OOC

Effect: Endure Exposure (Invocation) makes you immune to his own breath weapon as well as having the effect of an Endure Elements spell for 24 hours.