Dernin Greesh
AC: 14 | Max HP: 18 | Current HP: 18 | Hit Die: 3d8
Init: +5 | Passive Perception: 13
Active Effects:
Active Conditions:

"I don't know if the fresh graves to the south has anything to do with our mission. It seems odd to me that the delegation would have skipped over Red Larch on their way South. On the other hand, its a lot closer, and we have a single location to check, rather than 'anywhere South of Mirabar'. And if we are going to check it, it would make more sense to do it now, before we start heading North.

Dernin, finished off his second round. He almost ordered a third, but wanting to make a good impression, he held off.. for the time being anyway. Instead, Dernin reached to his belt and removed the lightest of the three pouches, containing a set of dice carved from knuckle head trout ivory, the only good memory of his one, and last, trip to Ten Towns. He almost shivers from the memory of it, instead he tosses the bag up onto the table and says, "While we wait for Albrecht to finish praying, or saving babies or whatever Paladins do in their down time, perhaps we can get a game going? Give me a chance to win back some of that gold I owe you Korzin, if I remember correctly it was about 15 gold?"