Evelyn Eievui
Evolution Expert
HP: 7/7 Defense: 4 Special Defense: 1
Conditions: --
Pokemon Out: Cloudia
Spoiler: Pokemon Stats

Cloudia: HP: 5/5 Defense: 2 Special Defense: 2 Conditions: --

Evelyn clearly noticed Bash's levitation, how could she not given she'd done it right next to her?, and the look on her face expressed at least some interest. But she didn't comment on it. She'd of course heard about the Gemini Program kids, but rather than be yet another person who oohd and aaah'd at Bash, she figured Bash would probably prefer she be treated like anyone else. So that's what she did.

She laughed good-heartedly when Bash reacted so strongly to her plan. "Thank you, the support and teamwork is appreciated. That's great really." At this she gives Bash a bright friendly smile and holds out a hand to shake. "I'm Evelyn Eievui by the way. This little one is Cloudia." At this Cloudia climbs up Evelyn to get on her shoulder and be around face-level for the introduction.