I think its a unique skill of the author, that he manages to make me go "awwww!" with every story cut

But yeah. While Tobi's situation is unique. Then i dont know. It does not feel as meaningful as the other.
As someone else said. She is caught in fantasy Big Brother.

Burk is just ridiculously OP, kinda makes that whole plotline less interesting to follow.
And yeah. I tough so to for a long while. Even if his hilarious antics did amuse me.
But the Pirate fight really changed my mind on that. Burk would have been killed had he not been saved by Pablo.
And he was genuinely spooked by the Blue Ghoul (he likely knew what it was, unlike everyone else).

That showed that while Burk is a big fish, then he isnt the biggest fish.
And it made him a lot more interesting.