Faedryl Melad
Drow Hexblade/Evoker
AC: 17 HP: 13/22
PP: 12 PIv: 14 PIs: 12 Sanity: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: Create Bonfire

Eighth Day, Escape

With Duskryn 'tied up' by the orc - who was rapidly gaining favour with Faedryl for his adequate grappling skills - she turns to the encroaching foes, still in the tower, and with more yet on the way. Her fingers trace three elvish runes in the air in front of her, her finger trailing with gleaming orange light to momentarily construct each run in sequence before its completion. Fuel. Ignite. Persist. She joins the disparate words together with a binding circle, one made up of her own name, and with an ashen-voiced command word flames spring up beneath the feet of one of the quaggoth inside the tower. She couldn't risk setting the bridges alight, or their only route would be down, and that was no route she wished to take. With the flames now burning she gathers her strength and lashes out, aiming to shove another one of the hulking underdark 'workers' into the flames alongside its comrade.

Spoiler: Actions

Move: None, she's sitting pretty.
Action: Cast Create Bonfire on the quaggoth directly south of Derendil. Must make a dex save (1d20)[20]+modifier vs DC14 or take (1d8)[7] fire damage.
Bonus Action: Telekinetic shove on the quaggoth southeast of Derendil. Must make a strength save vs (1d20)[2]+modifier . DC14 or be shoved back five feet, right into his friend, but more importantly the bonfire. If the shove is successful, must make a dex save (1d20)[18]+modifier vs DC14 or take (1d8)[5] fire damage. Don't think it'd do extra bludgeoning damage to shove them into each other though.