Raeh seemed to delight in the visible discomfort she caused. Her kindness and closeness growing the more Reuma pulled away. When she could lean no further over the table she instead smoothly slid around it coming to seat beside the pronghorn. Eyes intently studying the mask as if she were trying to see through it.

Help me.” she echoes Reuma’s question as she ponders the idea. Blue eyes still glued to the girl. “You could and you couldn’t.” she replies softly, the faintest slither of true sadness slipping through a crack in her own otherwise impenetrable mask.

You could start with your name and maybe take off that mask.” she says with a coy playfulness and gentle smile. Her hand reaching up ever so slowly to help take of the thing concealing Reuma’s face and voice.

Raeh was sitting close, obviously not one to respect personal space, but as her hand reached nearer, Reuma’s unnatural senses were hit with a haunting feeling.
Death and undeath had been caused by that hand. Somewhere on her body a soul not of her own was bound. Negative energy flowed around her and her bones stank of the vile magic from prolonged exposure and use. If attuned to it, sadness and sorrow seemed to accompany the dark magic. Both sharing her body for equal amounts of time. The young half elf girl before her was but a mask, no, more a hollow suit of armour, worn so long she has lost the girl within.

It was a silent scream, a cry for help from the black abyss, although how much of it could be heard or even interpreted was not known. Raeh, completely unaware continued to smile and reach for the mask. Her own never faulting.