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Thread: Out of the Abyss IC

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    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    The Frozen Northlands

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss IC

    Borthan Zuek
    Half-Drow Ranger
    AC: 16 HP: 15/29
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14
    Concentrating on:

    After deflecting both of the drow officer's blows, Borthan continued to test his defenses. If Borthan knew the definition of the word "ironic" he would consider it so that he had been locked in a hole in the rock for more than a week now and it was HIS endurance that was lasting longer in this fight. Then again, his wounds were mostly flesh wounds, while the first two blows he had landed on the officer would have been enough to end most. He darted forward with his right hand, attempting to skewer a lightly armored limb and possibly disarm his opponent. Reversing his grip on his blade in one swift motion, the second blow came from the left and was all muscle, trying to bury deep in the male's side in a killing blow.

    Spoiler: OOC
    If I manage to kill the officer with one attack, I will shift my Hunter's Prey, move, and my second attack will be against the giant spider menacing Nilvae. If he survives both blows, I unforunately will not be able to come to Nilvae's aid this turn. If the officer dies, either way I will be moving up to support Nilvae. Attack 1-(1d20+5)[16] to hit and (1d6+5)[10] damage, plus (1d6)[5] from Hunter's Mark. Second attack- (1d20+5)[18] to hit and (1d6+5)[10] damage (-2 if it against a spider), plus (1d6)[2] for Hunter's Mark. Just in case I crit here's the extra damage- (2d6)[8] . If the officer survives both attacks, Borthan will circle around him to try to make sure a giant spider or drow warrior doesn't stab Bort in the butt.
    Last edited by purepolarpanzer; 2021-04-22 at 05:54 PM.
    The Bear is Back.