Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
If I were DMing, nope. Sucks to be the lich.
I believe in this case, the appropriate expression would be a sarcastic "Couldn't happen to a nicer guy."

Never noticed, and not sure what to make of it:

Haley's speech bubbles change color when she tells Ian he didn't screw up her life, near the end of 774, which seems to indicate she's using the potion's magic to convince him of a lie. Not unexpected since I'd always thought that speech bubble was part of a very sad joke, with the punch line being the last panel: "The potion only works on things that aren't true."

But her speech bubble is still potion-colored in the last panel.

Accidental slip on the part of the Giant, or was her speech bubble in the last panel a perhaps-paradoxical lie?