Quote Originally Posted by snowblizz View Post
Lol. Was just about to post this after reading the first post then seeing it was in fact answered. It's good when you remember to read to the finish before posting. And not get distracted and reply to something off page 1 of a 20 page thread.

It's a very neat trick of interaction there, always enjoyed it.
Ditto, and ditto. I was glad to have had my understanding of it expanded. (^_^)b
(Wrt first ditto, yup... but sometimes it's sooooo tempting, especially when it's a new discussion thread.)

Spoiler: bad followup joke to the "Xykon's phylactery got dropped in lava" threadlet

Quote Originally Posted by arimareiji View Post
Technically, with all the spells Xykon has on it, it might not destroy the phylactery.

So in a million years or so, he may become someone else's problem after an eruption.
Oh crap. Anyone who so much as has Green in their name, let alone Greenhilt... might be a good idea to change it, or hide, or both.

I think I saw something that looks like Redcloak's holy symbol come flying out, and if you thought Xykon was *-opathic any time he got bored in Azure City... imagine how he's gonna feel after a million years of watching bits of himself regenerate only to be instantly charred to powder. (^_~)