The Guard Post

Clutching his ears, the final quaggoth in the guard post cringes and his breath catches in his throat, then Faedryl shoves him into the fire. Sensing weakness, Buppido flies off of his table, face lit eerily from below by the fading flames as he descends atop the creature. He drives his shiv into his chest until it passes out, then gets up and kicks another's nose into its skill. Satisfied with his grim work, he takes cover behind the wall, waiting behind the flow of flames running out onto the bridge.

Walking onto the first bridge and squatting next to the fallen quaggoth there, Jimjar gently covers its mouth and nose with a hand as he uses the other to take aim at the drow Turvy had blasted, dropping the warrior with a well placed bolt. The quaggoth's strained breathing ceases, and it goes limp peacefully, as if sleeping.

Passing him, Topsy picks up a dagger she'd thrown earlier and hurls a pair of them at the nearest drow, but her hasty throws go wide and they fly off into the darkness below, either in the water or the webbing somewhere. She bares her teeth and snarls at her own failure.

The Shrine

The Commons

Spoiler: Combat Log
Feadryl casts Toll the Dead on the last Quaggoth for 8 damage, and shoves him into the fire for 7 more, then drops the bonfire. He is critically wounded.
Buppido stabs the last Quaggoth for an 18 damage sneak attack, and then uses an unarmed strike to finish off one of the already downed ones.
Jimjar shoots Middle Drow Warrior for 9 damage and a KO. He uses an offhand unarmed strike to finish off the Quaggoth on the bridge.
Topsy flings two daggers at Top Drow Warrior for two misses.

Borthan is up!

Spoiler: Initiative Order
Brutus - 21
Duskryn - 21
Buppido - 20

Drow Elites - 20

Jimjar - 19
Borthan - 18
Topsy - 15
Dr. Donk - 15

Quaggoth - 12

Nilvae - 11
Derendil - 11
Sarith - 10
Stool - 10

Drow Warriors - 10
Asha - 10

Eldeth - 8
Dworic - 8

Ilvara - 8
Shoor - 8

Ront - 7

Giant Spiders - 6

Turvy - 4
Faedryl - 3
Shuushar - 2