Borthan Zuek
Half-Drow Ranger
AC: 16 HP: 6/29
PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14
Concentrating on:

Borthan hissed out loud as the spider's fangs sank into his body, stumbling to the side as the poison began flowing through his veins. Godsdamn, I'm going to die with these stupid shortswords in my hand instead of my axes... Not one to go down without a fight, but knowing that without reaching Shushaar and the others he would most certainly be executed by the drow, he prepared to make a run for it. He attempted to slam the door to the shrine shut, but the giant spider's bulk would not be shifted. Raising his blades like shields, he began to back away slowly, warding off any blows, then made his way backward towards the bridge. For the first time since the fight began he took a look back to see how the others were doing, and he nearly spit in disgust to see most of them, including some of their strongest fighters, still back by the cells. And the bridge was on fire. Godsdamn, was that a disappointment. He'd love to hear why they had failed so spectacularly to reinforce their allies, but he doubted he would live long enough to find out.

Spoiler: OOC
Attempt and fail to slam the door on the shrine as object interaction. Action- disengage. Move 30 feet back towards the bridge and pray to Silvanus that Bort survives one more round.