The Guard Post

The Shrine

Backing off from the door way, Borthan tries to slam the door into the spider and push it back inside. But its legs shove back with a hiss, forcing him to fend it off with his blades while trying to get away. Backing off finds him confronted with another fresh spider, crawled up into the tunnels from the webbing below, but he is able to circle partway around it until the fungal hyphae covering the bridge block his progress.

Spoiler: Spider Speak
"I will suck the marrow from your bones for that insult, two-legs!"

The Commons

Spoiler: Combat Log
Borthan fails to shove the door closed, and Disengages.

Neither of the Quaggoth miraculously self-resurrect.

Nilvae, Derendil, Sarith and Stool are up!

Spoiler: Initiative Order
Brutus - 21
Duskryn - 21
Buppido - 20

Drow Elites - 20

Jimjar - 19
Borthan - 18
Topsy - 15
Dr. Donk - 15

Quaggoth - 12

Nilvae - 11
Derendil - 11
Sarith - 10
Stool - 10

Drow Warriors - 10
Asha - 10

Eldeth - 8
Dworic - 8

Ilvara - 8
Shoor - 8

Ront - 7

Giant Spiders - 6

Turvy - 4
Faedryl - 3
Shuushar - 2