Sarith Kzerkarit
Drow Fighter/Rogue
AC: 16 HP: 19/23
PP: 14 PIv: 11 PIs: 10 Sanity: 8
Conditions: Exhaustion (1)
Concentrating: --

Eighth Day, Escape

With the quaggoths now down, Sarith moves on to targeting his former fellows. People who he'd broken bread with, fought alongside, and now was killing. He doesn't feel bad about it. In fact he doesn't feel anything about it. Neither joy nor sadness, not anger or joy. It just simply was. He drops down from the hatch onto the ladder, gripping the rung with one hand as he leans out to launch a bolt at the soldiers on the bridge, before swiftly hopping back up to safety, looking to mask his presence through the chaos and conflict of battle.

Spoiler: Actions

Move: Scoot down, shoot the lead drow warrior, then retreat back to his hidey hole.
Action: Attack: (1d20+8)[14] Advantage from hiding: (1d20+8)[16] Damage: (1d6+4)[7] + (1d6)[2] sneak attack

Bonus Action: Cunning Action: Hide. (1d20+6)[16] Disadvantage due to exhaustion: (1d20+6)[15]