The Guard Post

Climbing down onto the top rung of the lantern, Sarith pops a bolt through the wall of flame. It sinks into drow flesh, and Sarith vanishes back into the armory as the flames flicker and vanish into a cloud of falling sparks, their fuel vanishing when Stool dispels the fungal entanglement.

Following the bolt, Derendil leaps onto the bridge. But his target ducks back out of the way of his razor claws, curling his lips in fear and disgust. He draws a shortsword in his free hand and jabs at Derendil, but fails to connect. Further down the bridge, the second drow fires a bolt at the intimidating quaggoth prince. But the bolt deflects off of the glowing arcane plating of his mage armor.

A second bolt plunks into the drow's body alongside Sarith's, and unable to withstand any more he collapses on the bridge. Eldeth reloads and fires again at the other drow, but her bolt goes wide. With Duskryn taken down, Dworic begins a purposeful march in search of his next foe.

Holding a pair of fingers to the side of his head, Turvy stares at the last drow on the bridge. The elf suddenly starts bleeding from the eyes and shouts in pain, doubling over. "Hey! Hey, make a run for it!" he shouts at Borthan across the bridge, an opening made for the ranger to bypass the drow safely - and for allies to bypass the drow to reach him.

Behind Faedryl, the large orc leans forward, resting his hands on his knees and taking heavy breaths. He is still visibly exhausted, and tired out by the struggle wrestling Duskryn to the ground. The floating spirit-needles glide past out of the tunnels to hover in the air, while Shuushar weaves a minor blessing upon Faedryl.

The Shrine

The spider before Nilvae inhales the cloud of fairy dust she breathes out into the air, stumbling and then sinking peacefully to the ground to snooze. Behind it, the drow priestess scowls. "I think you've mistaken me for someone else..." she states condescendingly, but a glance is spared towards the shirtless drow man next to her. "I will investigate this demon claim. Lolth's wards should hide us, but we should be certain."

Raising her arm, the priestess walks over the spider. A ray of light flashes down from above Nilvae, but she manages to duck out of the way of it. Seeming to consider her a non-threat, the drow priestess steps away from her to walk down the hallway. A final show of insult, leaving herself open.

The shirtless drow approaches Nilvae, attempting to execute her with a stab as though she were already on her knees. But the girl is running hard on adrenaline, and swerves around his strike. Face contorting in indignation, he takes a swing with his fist, punching the wall behind her when she moves her head out of the way. "Damned girl!" he curses.

Standing at the end of the bridge, Borthan fixes the flat of his blade against a lunging spider's face, holding it back as fangs swing and slash at his chest.

The Commons

The victorious spider enjoys her prize, sinking her fangs into the helpless hound.

Spoiler: Combat Log
Sarith shoots Drow Warrior for a 9 damage sneak attack, then hides again.
Stool drops Entangle.
Nilvae casts Sleep, putting the Giant Spider in the doorway to sleep.
Derendil attacks Drow Warrior, but misses.

Drow Warrior attacks Derendil, but misses.
Drow Warrior shoots at Derendil, but misses.
Asha casts Sacred Flame on Nilvae, but she evades. Asha moves past, provoking a melee AoO from Nilvae.

Eldeth shoots, critically hitting Drow Warrior for 6 damage and a KO.
Eldeth bonus action shoots at the last Drow Warrior at range Disadvantage, missing.
Dworic dashes. His rage ends.

Shoor attacks Nilvae and takes an unarmed swing, but both miss.

Ront waits, the bridge is too crowded for him to move through with his Exhaustion levels.

Giant Spider drinks Brutus/Muttley.
Giant Spider bites at Borthan, but misses.

Turvy casts Mind Spike on Drow Warrior, dealing 7 damage. Drow Warrior cannot take Reactions, and can only take a move, action or bonus action on its next turn. This means anyone can scooch past him without Provoking.
Shuushar moves his Spiritual Weapon.
Shuushar casts Guidance on Faedryl.

Faedryl is up. Duskryn and Drow Elite are down, so Borthan can also act in this block.

Spoiler: Initiative Order
Brutus - 21
Duskryn - 21
Buppido - 20

Drow Elites - 20

Jimjar - 19
Borthan - 18
Topsy - 15
Dr. Donk - 15

Quaggoth - 12

Nilvae - 11
Derendil - 11
Sarith - 10
Stool - 10

Drow Warriors - 10
Asha - 10

Eldeth - 8
Dworic - 8

Ilvara - 8
Shoor - 8

Ront - 7

Giant Spiders - 6

Turvy - 4
Faedryl - 3
Shuushar - 2