Faedryl Melad
Drow Hexblade/Evoker
AC: 17 HP: 13/22
PP: 12 PIv: 14 PIs: 12 Sanity: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Eighth Day, Escape

The turn in battle was excellent, for her, and she can't help but smugly smile as the prisoners file up the bridge in front of her, using the momentum to push past the quaggoths. They'd be beyond the armoury shortly, and then the real fight would begin. The only downside was that she couldn't ride the momentum with them, the bridge was too narrow, and she didn't wish to risk taking the plunge below. Instead, she continues to provide ranged support from the back lines, as a leader should. Aiming to wrap one of the drow blocking the way in dark magic, her throat clangs. They, at least, seemed less sturdy than the quaggoths.

Spoiler: Actions

Move: Not clear if she can move into the tower to get under the ladder, or if there's too many people which'll slow her down - I'm guessing the latter. If she can move up, she will do, if not, no biggie.
Action: Cast Toll the Dead on closest drow warrior that's still standing. I think he's uninjured? Must make a Wis save (1d20)[15]+modifier vs DC14 or take (1d8)[7] necrotic damage.
Bonus Action: If she can move forwards, she's in range for a telekinetic shove on the drow warrior. If not, disregard. Must make a strength save vs (1d20)[10]+modifier . DC14 or be shoved back five feet, into his buddy.