Judy nodded, listening to Levi. Yes, even heroes needed help sometimes – and accepting help coming from other heroes was much, much more acceptable than bothering regular people. Maybe she should participate in this program? After her powers will return, of course...

When Levi asked to hold the Ankh for a little bit, Judy just said “Em...” that lasted for a while. During this short moment, she did nothing – maybe with an exception of raising her hand to the amulet – but in her mind, a tempest of thoughts tumulted.

“Oh no! She wanna my Ankh! What shall I do? I still do not trust her and there is definitely something fishy about her... but she is so kind, there's no social possibility of refusing her, at least while not causing an uproar! And Mr. Smith is there, too, so I have to be extra nice. What do I do? I certainly do NOT wanna give her my Ankh! But there's no logical, polite reason to say no! Aaaaaaaaa!”

“On the other hand, maybe I am overreacting? This I just a communications device and I am not sure if it even still works properly for other people. What is the worst thing she could have done? Send a telepathic message to Skitter? There are much, much worse things that could happen... and this is pretty innocent. Even is she is truly fishy, and I am not being paranoid – which I could be, to be honest – there is not much damage she could do with my Ankh. Plus, she needs not only to touch it, but also concentrate on what she is gonna say and to whom. So maybe I should stop panicking over nothing?”

All this thoughts appeared inside her head in mere few seconds, after which she had mahe up her mind.

- Sure... - she said, rraching for the chain of her amulet, removing it from her neck and giving it cauciously to Levi.

She just hoped she was not making a big mistake...