Quote Originally Posted by Andezzar View Post
Finger of death does not always cause death, disintegrate does not always cause disintegration.
It's correct: those spells not always, but sometimes cause death/disintegration; but Curse of Pain Eternal would never be "eternal" (obviously, excluding planes with non-standard timeflow)

Quote Originally Posted by Andezzar View Post
A fireball is not a ball (it is a bunch of cubes)
And Goldberg polyhedron is not a ball - it's polyhedron:

But, if somebody would call it "ball" - it's no big deal: it's, while not, truly, a "ball", is rather ball-like (more incorrect would be "sphere")

Quote Originally Posted by Andezzar View Post
, and whether it is fire is debatable as there is no way to keep a creature burning after the spell was cast
What's you mean "no way to keep a creature burning"?
It sets flammable things afire
If creature is on fire - it would burn until extinguished
If creature isn't afire - then it either isn't flammable, or succeed on Reflex save

Quote Originally Posted by Andezzar View Post
and worn equipment is not affected by it.
It's incorrect twice:
Firstly -
If a creature rolls a natural 1 on its saving throw against the effect, however, an exposed item is harmed (if the attack can harm objects). Refer to Table: Items Affected by Magical Attacks. Determine which four objects carried or worn by the creature are most likely to be affected and roll randomly among them. The randomly determined item must make a saving throw against the attack form and take whatever damage the attack deal.
And secondly -
Those unlucky enough to have their clothes or equipment catch fire must make DC 15 Reflex saves for each item. Flammable items that fail take the same amount of damage as the character.

Quote Originally Posted by Andezzar View Post
The name does not create the function or invalidate it.
Hand and Foot style, Foot and Fist Mastery feat - both don't required to have neither fists, nor feet
Not a dysfunction?..