Quote Originally Posted by AvatarVecna View Post
Penguinator, were you interested in running Circle Of Assassins or just asking if people were interested in playing/running it in general?
I'm not sure yet, sorry. I might run one, but it probably will be a while before that happens.

Quote Originally Posted by Book Wombat View Post
In total there will be twenty-two Pathways with each nine Sequences. Sequence 9 is the lowest while Sequence 1 is the highest.

Examples for what I might do, feedback would be appreciated.
I've seen/run games where specific players gained access to new powers, or all players had some kind of access to new powers (like they could buy and use items, or there were contests for a single item/ability that all players could fight over) but I've never seen a game where all players gained powers every night. I'm really interested in the concept.

For what you've posted, I immediately thought they were both wolf-based roles, although I realized the second one could potentially go either way. (I think the 'force a player to vote subconsciously' feels more wolf, though) I would be interested in seeing some of your ideas for a specifically town-role, to see how the balancing works both ways.

Also I have a couple of questions about that power specifically. Is there any way for the target to figure out that they're voting for the wrong person? What happens if that person votes for your intended target anyway? (You could have a later version of the role which gave more power to someone's vote if they actually intended to vote for that person) Are there other roles which can figure out that you're voting for "the wrong person?"

Although I believe you said that all roles/powers would be available for the players to see, so that would probably mitigate some of the potential abuses of said power.

Quote Originally Posted by MornShine View Post
In Werewolf games, what are plausible goals for neutrals? I’ve thought of the “keep someone (or most of several people) alive” and “make sure this person dies”, but anything other than that, especially that doesn’t require the person to be their own faction? Anyone have a good place (game?) to look at?
I don't remember specifically the name of the game, but usourselves&we ran a game forever ago where I was the neutral role, and I don't remember my goal (which isn't super helpful to what you asked) but my power was "can look at and post in every other player's QT." (I made a specific QT account to play this role) In-game, I could just lie low, and do the bare minimum to keep from being suspected or targeted, and vote for whoever. In QTs, I could answer people's questions, give them ideas of where to aim their actions, and so on. Basically, I would "reward" anybody who was willing to listen, and anybody who was suspicious I would just sort of leave alone. I stayed neutral for the most part until it was late into the game, at which point I basically decided to lead the wolves to victory. Zar Peter's role was specifically as my role's Oracle, or something similar, and he was the one having the most fun interacting with me in his QT, so I basically told him how to win.
It was really fun for me, but I don't know what it would have felt like for anybody else in the game to know there was somebody else who could basically just tell you how to win at any given moment.

One thing I usually do with neutral roles is to give them more than one way to win. That way, if something happens which explicitly ruins/makes it really hard to achieve one of their goals, they can still achieve a win through alternate means.
Another way to do neutral roles is to have a neutral role exist on top of a pre-existing role. One game I was in gave an additional neutral role to a player in the middle of the game (dead players got to choose a champion, basically) which gave them new powers and a new way to win on top of their pre-existing role. I don't... remember it specifically without looking it up, but I believe it was something they were able to achieve... I think it had something to do with having enough dead players of each faction.

That said, I don't think I've used a lot of specifically neutral roles, so I might not be the best person to talk about them.