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Thread: The War of the Moons

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Aeti's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Fair Reach

    Default The War of the Moons

    Chapter One

    It was early in the Merchants season, when the last howls of winter still sounded faintly through the peaks, that the Festival came upon the city of Fair Reach. All citizens busied themselves with preparations for the excitement. Blushing maidens wove scarves of green satin and flowers, and plump mothers prepared saucers of milk spiced with nutmeg and cinnamon. Politically minded throngs of the young and old alike readied armbands and old arguments for throne and country. In the shadow of the ancient castle walls, large wooden scaffolding was coaxed into a stage by workmen, while laughing children stole nails and sticks for make believe swords.

    And outside in the villages and homes beyond walls strong with stone and laughter, stout hands prepared black iron knives and readied axes, for they knew well the forest deep.

    * * *

    As an adventurer of skill and renown, you are cordially invited to Participate in the seventh Festival Contest of Generals. Please attend the General’s Leisure upon the ninth of the first tenday of the Merchants season.
    Elevate through action to glory, or displease the Lord and Lady.
    The Contest Awaits!

    Robin Wellman,

    Magister officiorum
    Fair Reach Council

    * * *

    With letter in hand, you make your way to the General’s Promenade. It is there that you will attend the official opening of the Festival, and be introduced to the General’s Council in front of a cheering crowd. Throngs of partygoers already pack the streets, gathering to celebrate the opening of the Festival in a great mass of excited chatter. You spot quite a few people wearing blue or red armbands traveling in groups of like colors.

    Ahead of you, the Promenade opens in a wide, paved area of neatly fitted stones. Straight ahead is the stage, which has a podium, a couple dozen chairs and is decorated with banners of the city. Along the periphery, vendors make a brisk business while shouting their wares. All manner of shops are open for business.

    “Spiced buns! Spiced buns!”
    “Get your charms and safeguards! Don’t let your children leave home without a safeguard!”
    “Scontan ginger-rum! It’ll put hair on your chest, my lad, or burn the hair from your lady’s chest!

    Upon the stage, finely tailored clothes mark the status of those gathered there. The Generals are yet to arrive, but other nobles and schemers mingle in conversation. Only those with an invitation are allowed up, meaning the socialites there are the most important names in the city. And, perhaps, your opponents.

    Even above the general din of the crowd, you can hear some sort of commotion from the Eastgate road. A thick mob is gathered with their backs towards you, screaming appreciation. Maybe the Generals are already making their entrance?

    Near the Oldtown road, you spot something else odd. A section of the Promenade is empty of people, but a hushed crowd has gathered around it. You can’t tell what is inside the ring of people, but there is a small gnome standing on a giant chair gesticulating wildly as he talks.

    You know you have a few minutes before the ceremonies begin and your whole life changes. As a participant in the Contest, you’ll be a local celebrity. This, then, could be your last chance to take in the sights as part of the crowd of common folk. Or to set plans in motion. The energy of the crowd is infectious, and adventure calls!
    Last edited by Aeti; 2021-07-12 at 07:26 PM.