Having found no clues of interest, Aetgexe sweeps the items into her backpack before returning to join the others in conversation. Shrugging, the faerie adds, "In Thelanis, trespass on a lord's domain is always a punishable death rite. But I am unaware of the customs here."

Stretching out her hand, she begins to clear the piles of waste in the corner as she looks on at the pair of were's. "Have you truly seen no others down here recently?"
As the group pushes on the mousy man, they recall the path they took to arrive here. The trail of blood ended at the base of the ladder, at the time presumed to be lost in the wading waters of city filth. Fergus, Cass, and Natrax each at one point needed to swim through sewage to even arrive this far deep. The few random splatters of blood on the wall may well have been entirely unrelated to their original target at any point in their travel, hours away from the entrance they had found...

The wererat gets further defensive at the intruder's push against their self-defense, "She will recover from your gracious patrol against squatters in time, yes. Unless you decide to pursue more of your pointed questioning? You're aware, it is moments like these that drive her hatred of people..."

Tilting his head, the wererat looks to Aetgexe's more specific question. "My mistress did take in an injured man she found today. Uncommon for her, she would usually leave them to die if they wandered down here." Nodding his head back towards the curtain, "He was unconscious when she brought him here. He wasn't wounded that badly, but I did bandage him before she bound him."

At the continued accusatory faces of the party, he adds, "For our own protection, of course. Humans just seem to love trying to kill us wererats on sight. Ah, and do mind the tripwire to her bedroom."
Spoiler: OoC

Aetgexe moves to O5, cleaning waste from square P7.

The wererat nods towards the curtain, implying that Weston may be back that way. He's still looking back and forth between the party, the Blonde, and the unconscious rat in little clothing.