
"Maridia is outside looking for it," Khannie says as she sweeps down the halls dramatically. "And I think I could bring you both in with me? Anyone can go inside the witch's domain but without a magical girl to help them they can't get back out. You two are both really magical so I bet you could help me fight off the witch's dumb frog minions."

Technically they are called familiars.

But given that Khannie thinks of something very different when she thinks familiars she really would rather call them something different.

Familiars have a special bond with their partner.

These things are more like...


Like those weak dumb robot goblin things she fought down in the bunker. Maybe even WEAKER than those. They could at least fight back. The witch minions were slow and practically harmless except to regular people who can't defend themselves.

But anyway! First they must visit-!

[The Food Court]

Sure enough, a group of four dazed looking people are standing awkwardly near a table staring off into space. The people at the table seem kind of unsettled.

"Are you guys okay?"