[The Parking Lots]

Witches are kind of like demons and skeletons!

They're both...



They're both bad.

Totally the same.

Anyway, Jace shatters the affliction on another poor bewitched person. "Umm... what am I doing out in the parking lot? What's this creepy paint thing?"

"It's a witch and she was trying to eat you," Khannie helpfully explains, to which the poor person quickly backs away from the blot on reality. "Okay! So I've got to go into the witch's place of power and beat her up. But it is really really REALLY weird inside these things."

That is the understatement of the century.

"You two can come in and help me fight, but you've gotta stay close okay? It's easy to get lost in these even though someone gave them a dumb name."

Because you can't get lost in a labyrinth.

They have exactly one path.