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Thread: The War of the Moons

  1. - Top - End - #13
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Aeti's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Fair Reach

    Default Re: The War of the Moons

    The youth hesitates, his hand outstretched. Sad-Face has faced down worse before, and the youth crumples as expected. Sad-Face watches a lie form behind the youths wide eyes, a scared attempt to save face. He blurts it out. "Y-Yeah, there's no problem. Didn't see what happened, is all. I .. can help. Sure." He scurries around for a moment, picking up odds and ends, before stuffing them into the merchant's scaled arms and fleeing.

    The merchant lays the merchandise gently on the table. "Thank you, stranger. I am Ssam." He glances up at the imposing mask before again looking away hurriedly. "Perhaps I could thank you for your help? With ah, a 10% discount?"

    * * *

    Meanwhile, Adonius watches a dwarf shrug and drop his tomato. No one claps, but there are no jeers either, and with a few mutterings the crowd disperses to look at the rest of the attractions around the square. He hears a few people talking excitedly about the impressive cheese provided by the Councillor of Dairymire. The gnome wizard gets off his chair somewhat dejectedly, fiddling with a ring on his finger. He calls out, "I know it's not that impressive now, but with more research.."
    Last edited by Aeti; 2021-10-13 at 11:33 PM.