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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: MTG - You Make The Card VIII: Escape - Exile 7 MTG topics to create this thread

    Just gonna give a quick judging so we can do next round

    Honorable mentions

    Bucky - Messenger Kami
    This seems fair and is a cool idea, however this card can't be your commander

    DrGunsforhands - Mimimu, the Spore-swarm
    A powerful but limited effect, I especially like how this constricts deck building with lands but I don't think you can build feasable decks with 20(5*4) nonlands. I understand there are cards you can run more than 4 of but if thats your intention then I think it over constricts deck building.

    Winner Mythmonster2
    I think this card would make a fun toolbox commander gj
    Last edited by Quiddle; 2021-08-13 at 09:50 AM.