Calen Damora
Human Wizard 3
AC: 10 HP: 17/17

Calen spends several minutes circling around the control panel, the closet, and the blue pad, inspecting them from all angles. Occasionally, he leans in close to inspect a particular piece, brow furrowed, but he touches nothing yet. In the back of his mind, an hourglass turns, marking the time since the party all entered this room and were directly exposed to that strange light--there's no telling what it could be doing to them, but from what he knows of the exotic energies given off by Numenera, at this close a distance, any ill effects the light might have on them would have become inescapable the moment they walked through the door.

Finally, he turns back to the others. "I can't be sure of anything, but near as I can tell, this is some sort of summoning apparatus--a device for calling some creature or thing from somewhere else. What it summons, I can't guess, but it looks like you operate it with these controls." He points to the pad. "As for the light...I'm even less sure about this, but I think this machine is using it to sense us, somehow. I think it knows we're here."

At that, he trails off, shrugging at Greck. This doesn't seem to have answered many questions.