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Thread: D&D 5e: Arcana of the Ancients (IC)

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Default Re: D&D 5e: Arcana of the Ancients (IC)

    Yusha Darwish
    Warforged Knowledge Cleric 3
    AC: 15/17 HP: 24/24
    PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 15
    Concentration: Guidance

    Yusha's eyes widen at the image on the large blue cylinder, marveling at the details. He quickly points it out to the others before enlarging a projection of it in the air in front of everyone. In particular, Yusha ensures that Calen and the Dragon have a clear view of its properties.

    Next, Yusha creates an image of the smaller green cylinder being held in a pair of hands, one metal, one organic. With a couple more images showing how the pin could be pulled and the lever popped up, Yusha shows the organic arm being liquefied leaving only bone and metal behind.

    One such cylinder was already spent. It was a shame about the two individuals who'd activated it. Power is unforgiving to those who seek it without knowledge. Yusha writes out a few illusory words. "It is good that we are here to put this house in order. More will be tempted if the cyphers are not removed."

    Yusha listens carefully to Calen's words, staring at the amber glow with obvious interest. A gate of some kind? Yusha pulls out a journal and starts to record the layout of the control panel with its dizzying array of levers and buttons, annotating Calen's words in tiny script underneath.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Spoiler: Journal

    Spoiler: Cypher - Beast Lure

    This bulky device has a pointy “foot” that pierces the ground. When activated, it sends out a call to a range of about 3 miles, luring one beast whose challenge rating is no higher than 3. The beast makes its way to the cypher’s location at its normal speed and calmly remains there for up to one hour. During this time, you can impart a basic concept or question to the beast, and the beast can convey a simple answer in return. If the beast is attacked, the calming effect immediately ends. After the hour of calm, the beast returns to its previous territory (although it may be sidetracked by prey or attacked along the way).

    Last edited by Riggdgames; 2021-08-29 at 09:09 PM.