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Thread: The War of the Moons

  1. - Top - End - #22
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Aeti's Avatar

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    Jun 2007
    Fair Reach

    Default Re: The War of the Moons

    The stage is a solid, impressive construction; a wide wooden platform covered with painted heraldry and festooned paper chains. A guarded wooden stair leads up to the tall stage, which is raised up above their heads.

    Tonsure has arrived already and joined the nobility in conversation. His adoring fans seem content to wait excitedly.

    Sad-Face gets a good look at the strange girl. She's almost as short as a half-ling, with light lilac skin. Her dress is cut elegantly to display her long tail. One clawed hand idly twists a ribbon in her hair. "Men like a bit of mystery, don't they? Anyway, I'm not giving you something you should know already. I did my research."

    She tries to link her arm through his, as if they were a courting couple strolling a garden.


    (Perception: 15+3) Sad-face can hear that she has a Scontan accent, but doesn't recognize her from his travels. He also notices the subtle raises under her dress of at least two concealed knives.
    If you want to avoid her invasion of personal space, roll a reflex save.
    Last edited by Aeti; 2021-09-09 at 11:55 PM.