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Thread: The War of the Moons

  1. - Top - End - #24
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The War of the Moons

    The two make an odd pair. She seems content to match his stately pace. In contrast to Sad-face's flat mask, she smiles radiantly at the crowd. With the crowd, Sad-face notices, as she effortlessly exchanges smiles with apron-ed matrons and dour dwarves. She even stops to ruffle the hair of a small boy. And yet, on the arm hooked with his, he can feel the smooth strength of secreted armor under her sleeve.

    Finally, the tiefling breaks the silence. "Someone went to a lot of effort to get you here." She says it lightly, as if discussing the weather. "It made a lot of waves with the Council." Her golden eyes are suddenly intent, searching up to meet his hooded gaze.
    Last edited by Aeti; 2021-09-09 at 11:58 PM.