
"I agree I I I! And I and admire his sense his of righteousness of. I assume that assume most Rogue Traders most prioritize their profits profits above all else all else. But the Lord-Commander the has other standards has. I am happy I am to be with to be the Absalom Dynasty Absalom Absalom Absalom."


"You talk like he brought along a private regiment with his own vehicular fleet and air support. Which some nobles would be inclined to do, in his place. Isn't being a Navigator a 'great station' in and of itself? The Rings of Castermire are sworn to House Castermire, as you might imagine. Guarding our Navis is our purpose. A single squad is quite modest, to me at least. Do you remember what you said when the Orks attacked? We had to secure the plasma drives, or else the entire ship would do nothing but drift. Navigators are a single point of failure, too. Our Captain's enemies could take one or two lives and strand us in space. Best to prevent that, yes? And furthermore, you might've heard about the young Lord's personal project. He has a powerful hatred for the Renegade Castermares. If they haven't noticed him yet, I suspect they will when he continues to investigate and disrupt their schemes."

The Castermares weren't the only Navigator House with reason to target Kennoch either. Isund thought about the old mutant imprisoned in the spire. If the Typhons ever found out where their missing elder was being held, they presumably wouldn't be thrilled about it. But he kept this to himself as well; best not to tempt fate.