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Thread: Rise of the Runelords IC 2

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Rise of the Runelords IC 2

    Adalbert Hornwood
    Halfling Mage
    AC: 14/18 HP: 26/26
    touch: 14, ff: 15, CMD: 13
    Conditions: Anger +1 (Mage Armor, tenative)

    Adalbert was struck by grief and the incessant sarcasm of the newcomer. These men laid down their lives to learn the truth about potential demons and goblinoid invasions, and all you have to say is a caustic remark? You have never seen the calm and friendly halfling so angry. You are only right in one thing. If we try it again with the same strategy, we will get blown out again.

    Taking off his hat to honor the dead, he goes to Sheila. I am a dilletante arcanist. A hack, my only contribution until now was a bit of advice and some light magic. I do blame myself for their downfall, for all the deaths. The tone of Adalbert was sincere, but those who know him better hear his usually calm demeanor even when debating a topic being angry; something that was definitely not there before.

    Whoever built these dungeons, whoever sent their agents against us... Adalbert trails off, now standing in front of Sheila. Despite her silent nature, Adalbert knew she was the captain here, so he knew when the shut up. He just looked up and asked: I am a decent enough student, but I want to stay here for a bit to refresh my knowledge of actual arcane magic. No small cantrips anymore. No trickery. Just honest research. He looks around. So where is that slightly annoyed mage that sat here just a few days ago? he adds.
    Last edited by Spore; 2021-09-14 at 07:02 AM.