Macharius claps his hands with a broad smile. Splendid! Truly, the Emperor is guiding us both on His path of wisdom. As Saint Sebastov said following the Conversions of Telos IV, "The Master of Mankind guides those in His service down the path of righteousness, clearing obstacles and obfuscations. Though the heretic and recidivist wander in the dark eternally, His faithful are guided directly to His light." What seems to be good fortune cannot help but be a sign of His favor.

Macharius' voice is absolutely certain. Though any good Imperial citizen would thank the Emperor in the abstract for this luck, he seems to have no doubt that the Emperor Himself made this occur. He turns to his staff.

Williams, have a message sent to the Ecclesiarchy here on Port Wander to set up a meeting. We shall be giving an extra season's Ecclesiarchal tithe in gratitude for safe passage and the Emperor's favor, for the construction or refurbishment of a proper edifice where those who ply the void in the Emperor's name can show their gratitude for His grace and beseech His blessings for safe travel.