Quote Originally Posted by bc56 View Post
Jade's Lair
Green is in luck: Jade may not have a hotbox, but she does have a very versatile 3D printer. She normally uses it to make parts for her super suits. "Looks like I'll need to replace some of the circuitry in here. Maybe some of the plating too." Her eyes have lit up with an expression Tristan is familiar with, excitement at a new project. "If you'll let me work on more of your chassis, I could probably make a waterproof outer layer and prevent this from happening again." Something similar to the polymer she uses as the underlayer to her suit would work well. Her older suit, the one that has actual solid components and isn't entirely made of metamorphic fabric.
Quote Originally Posted by Rebonack View Post
[Jade's Lair]

And what's Tristan doing while all this is going on?

Unless Jade needs his help he'll be over there on that chair reading a book on his phone.


He knows what he's out of his league.

He doesn't want to get in the way!
[Jade's Lair]

Green considers Jade's proposal. There was sense in what she was saying. Green was pretty vulnerable to malfunction as she was. All it would take would be accidental submersion, and bzt- no more gynoid. It wouldn't be ideal for any humans that might be relying on her.

At the same time, the changes Jade was suggesting were... extensive. Perhaps too much so. If she ended up obscuring Green's projectors, she could lose functionality, which wouldn't be good.

Finally, she has a solution.

"Perhaps, if you consulted with my schematics, you could modify my design to be waterproof. I have a copy of my schematics in my processing core. However, I do not have sufficient memory to access it. I would require that you take me out of read-only mode."