R2T19: Bloodied but undaunted, Fronaldo presses the attack hoping to keep the creature’s attention on himself and not Aron. He slashes for 25 + disoriented, then stabs for 16 + bewildered (+3 bleed) [ending disoriented]. “Thank you for coming to dinner!”

R2T16: Blue suffers 3 bleed. It jumps to the side and does a full attack on Fronaldo, but misses all attacks.

R2T7: Aron attacks from flank,but the flank and Xhan's zeal helps her deliver her blow for 5 ... enough to drop it.

The party falls on the deinonychuses (deinonychi? deinonychae?) to ensure they are dead.

Combat Ends ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker
HEROES (HASTE): +1 attack, AC, Ref, +30' speed, extra attack w/ FAAs.
* Zeal: +2 morale bonus on attack rolls til R3T20.
Red Deinonychus: 23. (-2:48). FATIGUED!!! DYING!!!
Book: 21. Whip in hand. HEROISM for 20 minutes (+2 attacks, checks, & saves).
Xhanfaerd: 20. Earthbreaker in hand. Silver Crane Waltz. Haste til R8T20.
*** Martyrdom redirecting damage to myself of the first attack dealing more than 5 damage (spending pp to reduce it if it deals more than 10 damage).
*** Body of delusion will be used on the first attack that isn't redirected by martyrdom and deals more than 10 damage, spending collective focus if it's an ally that's taking it.
* Biokinetic adept THP til R62T20.
Fronaldo: 19. Masterwork dagger in hand. Shield. DS.
Blue Deinonychus: 16. (4:48). 3 BLEED!!!
Aron: 7. Short sword in hand.

Deinonychus (1).

* Sluggish: He takes a –2 penalty on Reflex saves and all Dexterity-based attack rolls, ability checks, and skill checks, as well as to AC.
* Sluggish: He takes a –2 penalty on Reflex saves and all Dexterity-based attack rolls, ability checks, and skill checks, as well as to AC.
* Sluggish: He takes a –2 penalty on Reflex saves and all Dexterity-based attack rolls, ability checks, and skill checks, as well as to AC.
* Stiffened: A character stiffened by Dexterity poison feels numb and stiff. He is considered flat-footed and is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, even if he has uncanny dodge. He can’t make attacks of opportunity.