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Thread: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIII

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIII

    "Don't know. Dead, or run off. Like the others."

    "Hmm, shame," said Elsa. The man could have been a useful asset in future conflicts, if the Jackal was indeed still active.

    "Did you bring guards? Reinforcements?"

    "One bodyguard and my apprentice," Elsa answered. "Plus some local muscle who'll likely prefer to find their own roofs to sleep under."

    Things were going more smoothly than she had feared.

    "How are things here?"

    I figure Sorin and Skender wouldn't want to stay under the same roof as the Tileans for fear of being branded as collaborators, but Elsa will still ask them.

    "Why does a lowlander want to know?"

    Elsa sat by the remains of the fire and poked at the charred bones with her staff. "There are some who say the Jackal is destroyed. Sanne Raven's-Cry says that's horsesh!t. I'm here to learn what the hill people know about the Jackal that outsiders don't."
    Last edited by -Sentinel-; 2021-10-21 at 02:28 PM.
    Voyages of the Ghostlight (Risus)

    The Bloody Crown (WFRP) as Elsabeth Holt, rogue pyromancer and court wizard

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSummoner View Post
    Oh wow. I will never again underestimate [our characters'] ability to turn friendly conversation into a possible life or death situation.
    Quote Originally Posted by LeSwordfish View Post
    Ludo has a crowbar, if that helps.