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Thread: Request an OotS Style Avatar XV

  1. - Top - End - #1953
    Pixie in the Playground
    Celeste Seduiletal's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Re: Request an OotS Style Avatar XV

    Hey! I'd really appreciate if one of you amazingly talented artists out there would create an avatar for me. Here's my description:

    Young (20s ish) shapely female. Really long hair that is streaked black and red. She has really light skin and dark eyes. She dresses in very revealing and elaborate gowns that are black, red, or black and red. She's very chaotic and her neutrality is occasionally colored by evil. She doesn't use any weapons (super long and sharp nails, but that isn't really possible in an OotS stick figure form) so a really cool pose would be great. Oh, and she's totally the cocky smile type.

    I would really appreciate any response to this on the thread or by PM. Thanks so much!!
    Last edited by Celeste Seduiletal; 2007-05-04 at 01:39 AM. Reason: missed some stuff