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Thread: The Royal Artificery Society - IC

  1. - Top - End - #587
    Titan in the Playground
    WindStruck's Avatar

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    Jan 2012

    Default Re: The Royal Artificery Society - IC

    Shandara is dressed rather normally, as she was before.. though if the weather was cooling down more, she may be wearing some soft leather boots or shoes and a thicker midnight blue cloak instead of her silk one.

    She ponders a moment at the Ironmonger's question and suggests, "Well. We still don't know what exactly your proposition is, and I'd hate to spoil a good meal over.. disappointment. If it doesn't work out. But that said... if you have other places to be, perhaps discussing business first would be courteous to your time."

    She looked over at Bolten briefly as she began to sit down. But then, she deliberately and awkwardly looks around, such as under the table and around the seats. "Oh. I um.. I hope no one else would intend to be spying on you, or us..."

    Spoiler: ooc
    With the amount of sheer attention Shandara is placing on this, would probably count as search with even multiple attempts. But here's just one perception roll for now.

    Last edited by WindStruck; 2021-12-05 at 01:24 PM.
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