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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: World of Warcraft - Interbellum (OOC Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by MrAbdiel View Post
    Jakk'ari - 20
    Infernal3 ("Tablesmasher")- 17
    Marion - 15
    Isaera - 15
    Felix - 15
    Infernal1 ("Headshot")- 15
    Hapless Ogre - 12
    Infernal2 ("Curbstomp")- 8
    Zachary - 7
    Mor'Lag - 4

    Turn (2) Sequence

    20 - Jakk'ari uses Extra Effort to hustle up to the palisades, and uses deflect at a value of 11 on Felix.

    17 - Infernal 3 slams a power attack onto Hapless Ogre (hits with a toughness dc of 23 (!)), but the ogre nat 20's the toughness roll for a 24 (!).

    15 - Marion launches a Shadow And Flame volley at Infernal1, but a 17 which would normally hit misses because of the circumstantial cover of the palisades for the infernal. The wicked shadow energy goes wide, but arcs back toward the construct for another homing chance next turn.

    Isaera conjures up a frostbolt, which pulses in her grasp and launches after she finishes casting it at the beginning of her next turn (with a 19!)

    Felix hits again, but the infernal shrugs off the blow. Felix manages to avoid burning to death for having the temerity to try.

    Infernal1 also power attacks, a giant fist slamming down at Felix. It hits, but Felix incredibly rolls a 20 on hit +3 toughness roll to resist the dc 23 impact. What an absolute chad.

    12 - Hapless Ogre sees Mor'Lag incoming, and feints at Infernal3, successfully making it Vulnerable to Mor'Lag's next attack.

    8 - Infernal2 stomps into the ruin of the hut to gratuitously revel in its power.

    7 - Zachary takes a wild snapshot at Infernal 1. It's a clean hit, scoring a -1 injury on it.

    4 - Mor'Lag double-moves up, to flank Infernal 3 with Hapless Ogre. They're set up to clobber next round!

    Turn (3)!

    Infernal1 is punching on Felix but has taken damage from Zach, so you know they can be hurt; Infernal2 has curbstombed his previous opponent and is now free to start causing a ruckus; Infernal3 is squaring off against Mor'Lag and the poor hapless ogre stuck in the mix here. I'll give them a name in the IC description post. Felix so far has avoided paying a price for his hubris. And Zach rolls for his fear... [roll0].

    Jakk'ari, you're up. And as is always the case, I'm willing to sacrifice almost anything to allow people the freedom to post whenever they can, so feel free to post ahead of your initiative and if someone's action before yours changes your decisions, I'll be super generous about allowing ret-cons and rerolls and such.
    Jakk'ari - 20
    Infernal3 ("Tablesmasher")- 17
    Marion - 15
    Isaera - 15
    Felix - 15
    Infernal1 ("Headshot")- 15
    Hapless Ogre - 12
    Infernal2 ("Curbstomp")- 8
    Zachary - 7
    Mor'Lag - 4

    Turn (3) Sequence

    20 - Jakk'ari flings a lightning bolt at Headshot, who soaks it.

    17 - Tablesmasher slams a power attack onto Brokenhorn who fails to soak, getting injured and stunned.

    15 - Marion's Shadow And Flame hits on the second pass, injuring and dazing Headshot. She summons Varghast, the Voidwalker.

    Isaera's delayed Frostbolt and rapidcast Arcane Missiles are both launched, but neither succeed in injuring Headshot.

    Felix misses, and begins falling back.

    Headshot moves to Jakk'ari, and recovers from being dazed.

    12 - Brokenhorn misses Tablesmasher, and recovers from being dazed.

    8 - Curbstomp embarasses himself by missing a wall.

    7 - Zachary takes aim.

    4 - Mor'Lag charges up, critically hits, and spontaneously manifests Banishing Blow on Tablesmasher. Tablesmasher manages to pass his first save against banishment, but will need to make another next turn.

    And so far in turn 4, Jakk'ari has made an offhanded (unsuccessful) attack against Headshot, and VP'd to create impairing terrain as he falls back. This round, only Curbstomp is successfully slowed. Varghast manifests and uses Torment, but only Curbstomp is successfully taunted. And Isaera nails Headshot with a frostbolt, damaging, hindering and dazing it! Marion needs to go, then the NPC bundle, then Mor'Lag!

    EDIT: Also, I had a look and I can't see where VP's allow you to take another action. BUT! I like it especially as a use for PbP games. I'll go as far as to say players can spend a VP to act immediately in the initiative order, even out of sequence. That's a single action, not the whole move-action combo of a turn; but if you really want to do something, that'll empower you to do it without waiting for the slow glide of the online initiative order to make its way back to you. :D
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2021-12-11 at 12:43 AM.